Postoperative Instructions

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
– Jonathan Swift

Important Advice About Medications :

The medicines must be taken as advised by the doctor. You should neither start nor stop the medications on your own. If you are about to undergo any surgery but at the same time you are on oral therapy, you are requested to inform your doctor.

Have you been taking oral steroids for more than two weeks? You are requested to not stop suddenly since it could cause serious problems.

Your medications must always be handy to you.

The schedule of your medications should become a part of your routine. Take them accurately as prescribed.

If you ever happen to skip your eye drops, take them as soon as you remember of it. Do not wait for the next scheduled time for taking the eye drops. You can follow the next dose as per the schedule.

Got side effects from the medication? If there is any side effect of your medication like changes in vision, you must inform your doctor immediately or on the next appointment. Your check-ups must be scheduled regularly.

Eye medication can affect other parts of the body. Hence, it is important that you disclose your medications to the doctor you’re consulting to avoid any damage.

Blood-thinning medications might need to be discontinued for 3-5 days prior to surgery in certain situations. Please inform the helpful staff/doctor at BVI in case you are on prescription blood thinning medications.

Instructions For Surgery Patients of Retina or Vitreous :

The following precautions must be taken for three weeks post the surgery:

Do not lift anything weighing more than five kilograms.

Do not bend over so that your head is below your waist.

Avoid sleeping on the operated side, unless you are instructed otherwise.

Avoid sexual intercourse.

Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Do not rub the operated eye.

Avoid vigorous activities.

No automobile trips are recommended except to visit the doctor.

You may bathe carefully from below your neck and shave, but do not get the eyeball wet for at least two weeks. You may carefully clean the forehead and cheek with a wet cloth.

You may watch television sparingly.

You may gently rub the eyelids with cotton or a clean tissue moistened with warm water. Do not bathe the eyeball.

You will be advised a specific/ face-down position for a week after surgery. It is imperative that the instructions be followed for the best possible outcome after surgery.

Eye Bandage :

You may remove the eye patch on the doctor’s advice. It is usually recommended to be removed after one day of the surgery.

Always wear either protective glasses or an ‘eye shield’ to avoid an accidental injury.

Medication :

You are required to follow the instructions that are given to you when you leave the hospital.

Taking care after Cataract/ Glaucoma/ Cornea/ Laser Surgery :

Once you are done with the surgery your eye will be covered with a shield of some ointments and drops. You can go home immediately thereafter. It is possible that you experience some pain in the first 24 to 36 hours, for which you might have to take some oral analgesics. You will be asked to visit for the follow-ups the very next day, as scheduled with the doctor. The usual routine must be:

  • First check-up in the morning after surgery.
  • Seven days from the date of surgery.
  • One month from the date of surgery.
  • Three months from the date of surgery.
  • One year from the date of surgery.

It is important that you visit the doctor as scheduled for every appointment. You will be advised to use eye drops or other medication during the post-operative period.